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Friday, March 01, 2013

Update: Not Getting an Exchange Student

Well, after getting everything finished with the house, having pictures taken of the rooms, and filling out forms, we got an update: We won't be getting an exchange student. Apparently, there is a new Texas law that says that an exchange student can only share a room with one other person of the same gender and similar age. My sister and I are both (obviously) the same gender as the exchange student who was planning on coming, and we're all of similar ages; but, our house only has two bedrooms. My parents use one, and my sis and I share one. Which means it is impossible for us to get any exchange student unless we move or add onto our house. Both of which, as far as I know, are impossible at this time. We are hoping that the girl who was going to be coming here will still be in town somewhere, possibly with another family in our church, but we don't know. All is know is that God has answered our prayers: His will is being done, even if it makes us sad. I believe that even though my family is sad about this, we are content to rest in God's will. We may not know why God chose to make it impossible for us to get an exchange student right now, but I know He did it for good, whether our good, the exchange student's, or both.


  1. Aww. :( Keep going strong, Bethany! God'll bless you for trusting Him! amanda

    1. Thanks, Amanda! I think His blessing to me is that I do trust Him! It's so hard to trust in His will sometimes, especially when I'm disappointed about something, even though I know it is best to trust Him. It's only by His grace that I am learning to lean on Him!
