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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Does God Only Hear the Many?

Have you ever gone to a prayer meeting, or any meeting, and asked people to pray for something, only to have everyone forget when the time to pray comes?  It feels kinda discouraging, right?  That happened to me tonight, and I was sitting there wondering what to do.  Do I cut in when someone finishes?  Do I just leave it?  What should I do???  Whether you believe it or not, I got my answer. No, I didn't cut in; I didn't just leave it to not be prayed about.  And, no, I didn't hear some magical voice speak to me.  But God did help me.  If your prayer request ever gets forgotten, you don't need to worry about what to do.  Because, even if no one else remembers to pray, there is always YOU!  God doesn't need a million people praying, or even one person praying out loud, to hear your prayer, and answer it.  Prayers can be answered by one person, by themselves, praying silently.  That was my answer.  I was so worried that God wouldn't answer my prayer if only I asked.  He needs more people, right?  It takes lots of prayers to get His attention, right??


Don't be afraid to be the only person praying for something.  God won't ignore you because you're "not important enough," or "too small."  When you're worrying, it may not sound like that.  You may not be actually thinking "I'm not important," or "I'm too small."  But at the back of all your worrying, those are the reasons, or something like them.

Don't worry about having others forget to pray about something, because maybe the only one God wants praying for it... is YOU.

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